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After Hours Raiding FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main ->

·  What is your current level of content?
·  How are targets chosen?
·  When do you generally raid?
·  Where do I find your raiding schedule?
·  What if I'd like to box during your raids?
·  What if I can no longer raid due to real-life stuff
·  What if I want to bring a friend to your raids?
·  What if I screw up on one of your raids?
·  What if I want to come to a raid late?
·  What if I am not keyed for the raid zone?
·  Can I use a pet on raids?

·  What is your current level of content?

As of March 2009 we are raiding TSS, soon to be in SoF. We have completed DoN and Anguish in their entireties, although we may very occasionally raid these two for flags, 2.0s, and fun!

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·  How are targets chosen?

Generally it is discussed by the various raid leaders over the weekend. Other then that, it is left up to the raid leader's whim. We are always interested in the opinions and suggestions of our members however, and actively encourage suggestions to be made by either posting a thread in the forums, or uploading a raid using the raid-o-matic.

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·  When do you generally raid?

As the name implies, we tend to start raiding when normal business is finished. This generally means late night raids, and late night for us means 8:00-12:00 pm PST. This can cause great havoc for east coast players, or anyone who just doesn't have the ability to be up at such times. We announce most raids on our message boards, and new raid leaders are always being sought. Raids usually are 1-3 targets and can last anywhere from an hour to several hours, depending on circumstances. No one is ever required or strongly compelled to attend any raid. We are optional from the ground-up. If people intentionally skip guild hunts to join us, you will have your own leaders/membership to deal with.

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·  Where do I find your raiding schedule?

We post all our raids to the Calander. Only AH members or applicants are able to view our calendar. If you don't have an account, read the General FAQ to learn about registering your own. When satisfied, you can apply by navigating through Apply Here!.

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·  What if I'd like to box during your raids?

Applicants are not allowed to box on raids. Once you become a member, check out the Town Crier forum for instructions on adding a boxed character.

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·  What if I can no longer raid due to real-life stuff

This entirely depends on your status. Members who do not raid for 3 months enter inactive member status. At this point your dkp remains but your character will disappear from the roster and you will have to raid with us again before you reactivate.

Members who do not raid with us for 6 months will have their character removed from the system and therefore all DKP will be zeroed. Your website account will remain, so if you wish to start raiding again just re-apply as normal. This change is primarily to ensure you still have proficiency with your character, and make sure people are actually helping the organization progress instead of just lurking. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from raiding for an extended period of time you can discuss an exception with our officers.

If you are an applicant you will unfortunately have to start from scratch, reapplying when you can devote the time to our raids.

Applicants who do not raid for more than 6 weeks are removed from the website.

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·  What if I want to bring a friend to your raids?

Ask whoever is running the raid if your friend can come first. We normally love guests, but there are a few reasons (not enough piggy slots, raid full, etc.) that they might not be able to attend. Do not give your friend the channel passwords. Once the raid leader has okayed them coming they will do a /chat invite for your friend.

You are responsible for your friend. This means you will be expected to explain any raid rules, field loot questions, etc. If they have a question about an encounter a squad leader can handle it, but primarily it is up to you to keep track of your guest. Unruly guests will not be welcomed back.

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·  What if I screw up on one of your raids?

First of all, don't panic. We get a lot of new raiders and they tend to be nervous. We expect you to make mistakes, and if you do you can expect to receive a verbal warning but no other action. Just do your best to learn and move on.

With that said, we do require that you are willing to learn. If you make the same mistake repeatedly you will probably be asked to leave the raid after a verbal warning. If you still haven't learned how to correct yourself on the next raid you attend, then you may be asked to leave Afterhours.

Although extremely rare, we have been forced to remove a member due to their refusal/inability to follow our most basic instructions. This is the exception to the rule though, and we will always strive to work with our members.

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·  What if I want to come to a raid late?

The very first thing you should do is join the AHRaid channel and ask if you can join the raid. If you don't get a response there try sending a Squad Leader a tell. The SL will normally respond directly or check with the Raid Leader. Yes or no will be determined by a couple things: whether the raid is full, whether you can even get to us, etc. We will not be sending a porter out to get you. If you come in late you are on your own. We will, however, try to arrange a coth or rogue drag if it is possible. For buffs send tells to individual classes. Please don't spam the ahraid channel or raidsay, and don't send a tell directly to the raidleader.

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·  What if I am not keyed for the raid zone?

Join the ahpiggy channel and wait patiently for instructions. Normally piggy slots are not an issue, but when we break into a new zone there are always going to be a few people left out until we do some more backflagging or get some alternate keys. We try to be as fair as we can on who we zone in at those times.

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·  Can I use a pet on raids?

The only classes that should have pets out on raids are necros, beastlords, mages, and situationally shaman and enchanters. I am sorry sk, your pet is not that great dps and we need you focused on tanking instead of dpsing.

If you are a beastlord, necro or mage you MUST have pet hold to use your pet during a raid. There are no exceptions to this. A good habit to get into is hitting your pet hold hotkey after every mob dies, even trash mobs. You must hit it before any boss pull. I also strongly recommend the /pet focus command. It makes pet control sooo much easier.

Shaman and enchanters should verify whether using a pet is appropriate on specific targets with Vudukitty or Olidan/Threep/Ghraa before summoning your pet. They will ask the raid leader if it is alright for that target. The same rule applies before charming anything. Please keep in mind that your main role is not super dps with the pet + leopard. Focus on buffs/debuffs, healing, cc, and then on dps. If controlling a pet causes these things to suffer then...please don't use one. Also I want to encourage shaman that want to use a pet to please get the /pet hold command as well.

If your pet is causing problems on a raid you will be warned verbally once. If it happens again, you will be asked to kill your pet for the rest of the night. Failure to do this, or if you resummon at a later date, will force us to ask you to leave the raid.

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