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After Hours Raiding FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Category: Main ->

·  How do I apply to Afterhours?
·  Okay I filled out an application. What happens now?
·  My application got denied! Can I get it reviewed, or resubmit in the future?
·  Can applicants join all your regular channels or do you have special channels for apps?
·  How long does the applicant period usually take?
·  What should I do on a raid?
·  Do applicants get dkp/loot?
·  Should I bring anything to the raid?
·  Can applicants box on your raids?
·  Can applicants invite guests?
·  Are there any raid attendance requirements?

·  How do I apply to Afterhours?

First, register on the site. Please use your character name that you intend to apply with. Next, go to the Afterhours Info link. This will take you to our raiding guidelines, disciplinary code, and loot code. Read these. You may also want to check out the rest of this FAQ also. It has a lot of information.

Once that is done, go to our application (also in the Afterhours Info link). Read the application and apply from there. Keep in mind that we are not accepting anyone who is not at least level 80. Also, you will have to get all our required aa before we will promote you to member.

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·  Okay I filled out an application. What happens now?

Our Application officer gets all the applications and reviews them. You will get an email either confirming or denying your application and gain access to our forums. If you don't hear anything back within a few days, please contact Prettything, Sorcier or Wwein or any other officer here on the site. It could be that there was an error in the system.

After that, start raiding with us. You will be evaluated for your raid performance. Then hopefully you will get promoted to member.

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·  My application got denied! Can I get it reviewed, or resubmit in the future?

If you were denied because you did not meet our requirements, or because we have a huge glut of your class, then feel free to resubmit your application at a later date. If you were denied due to attitude or reputation, then you will not be accepted no matter how many times you try. Keep in mind that we are not an open raiding organization. We are not hard-core but we do require some minimum skill and personality from our members.

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·  Can applicants join all your regular channels or do you have special channels for apps?

Just join our regular one, Afterhours. We don't have an applicant channel. Also remember to join our raid channel, Ahraid, at raid time, but please do not set it to autojoin as we use it to pre-evaluate the force we have for any given target.

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·  How long does the applicant period usually take?

It depends on your raid attendance, but normally around three to four weeks for those who are active. Also keep in mind that we won't promote you unless you have all the required AAs.

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·  What should I do on a raid?

First, make sure you tell whoever is in charge of your group (your squad leader), that you are an applicant. If you are moved during a raid, then tell your new squad leader the same thing. It is your responsibility to make sure that the SL knows you are an app. Failure to notify them results in no score for you for the night.

After that, well, it depends on your class. Make sure you join the appropriate channels listed below.

AHTank (SK, Pal, Warr)
AHHeals (Dru, Clr, Sha, Nec, Bst)
AHPullers (Bards, Monks)

Other then that, just listen to the raid instructions and do what your class does. Direct any questions you have to your squad leader or class lead rather than the raid leader. They will be happy to help you.

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·  Do applicants get dkp/loot?

Yes. Applicants earn DKP at the same rate as members, but are unable to spend it until they have become members. For loot rules, please refer to the stickied threads at the top of the General forum.

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·  Should I bring anything to the raid?

Yes. Everyone must have...

1. A means of invis
2. A means of shrink
3. A way to gate
4. Healing potions
5. Spell components (pearls, EE, emeralds, etc.)
6. Some kind of Enduring Breath
7. Instant-click items. You need at LEAST two of these.
8. Have maps downloaded. We do not hold your hand. Having maps and knowing how to use them is a basic EQ skill.
9. Clerics, Shaman, Druids, and Paladins must have the spell Remove Greater Curse. Get with an officer if you lack it.
10. Clerics must have the spell divine intervention. Get with an officer if you don't have it.

In addition, a word about attitude. We are all here to have fun. If you are not going to bring a fun attitude to the raid, then please stay home. We understand that everyone has times when they are not exactly a bundle of joy. Just don't bring it to the raids.

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·  Can applicants box on your raids?

Sorry, no. Once you make member you can apply to do so.

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·  Can applicants invite guests?

Sometimes. Ask your Squad Leader if it is okay. They will check with the Raid Leader and let you know.

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·  Are there any raid attendance requirements?

Yes and no, but mostly no.

As a member you are not required to raid at any time. We expect that our members like to raid with us and therefore will raid when they can. Members who haven't raided for 3 months are filtered from the active roster and just need to raid once with us for your character to show back up on the roster. Members who do not raid for 6 months have their character removed from our databases, and therefore have DKP zeroed, and will have to re-apply and raid again as an applicant until again becoming a full member. Note that if your character is removed, your website account will remain, so you can log in normally and re-apply with your character. We are certainly aware that there can be situations like military duty that prevent you from raiding. In those situations contact an officer to discuss your options for maintaining your character beyond the 6 month window.

As an applicant we expect that you should raid reasonably frequently so we can effectively evaluate your performance and decide on whether we should promote you to full member. The only firm requirement here is that as an applicant you must raid at least more frequently than once every 6 weeks. If you do not raid more frequently than this your character and account will be removed.

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